Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Congratulations to all 2011 Sailing Champions

Congratulations to all 2011 CYC Sailing Champions
and their crews.

The end of the sailing season 2011

Dear friends,

Wenona and I wish you a very nice, warm winter. We hope you come together bowling, playing darts or any other activity to stay in contact.

We hope that the Keel Boat races will pick up next season as it is truly great to compete as friends that way.

Henk & Wenona

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

CYC annual meeting and election of officers and board members


You are invited to attend the annual meeting and election of officers and board members on Tuesday, October 11, 7:000 p.m. at Kenwood Neighborhood Center, corner of Penn and Franklin Avenue South, on Franklin Avenue.

Refreshments and snacks will be served. 

Attached is the proposed list of officers and board members for 2012.  You may notice that the position of Vice Commodore remains open at this time, we can take nominations from the floor for this position.

Best regards,

Tom Weigel
Rear Commodore