Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Next Keelboat Race Saturday July 3 Start 2:00 PM...July 4th BBQ

The July 3th Keel Boat Race will start at 2:00 PM simultaneously with the C-Boats.
We hope to see you around 1:00 PM.. There will be tender transport to your boats.

Dont forget the 4th of July BBQ at the Boat house.

Starting from 3 PM.

Bring somthing to eat or drink, there will be Hamburgers and Hot dogs for all.

Later in the evening we will tie all keelboats together in the middle of the Lake to see the fireworks with music and a drinks.

CYC Saturday After-Race Party Saturday June 26

“There is nothing—absolutely nothing—half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats—except partying!”

--Adapted, as Ratty to Mole in Wind in the Willows

You’re invited to the
Calhoun Yacht Club
Saturday After-Race Party

June 26
Party starts from 5:00 PM
Appetizers, BBQ, Refreshments!

Tom Weigel’s Home
5184 Abercrombie Drive
Edina, 55439

Directions: South on Highway 100, exit right (west) at 70th. Street; turn right, then go 200’ to first right onto Rabun Drive, then first left onto Abercrombie Drive; house is at end of the long, winding block, on right-hand side; look for the CYC Burgee over garage door!

Improve Your Sailing "Great Rules Quiz Site"

For all Sailors,

Sailing for many of us it is just having something in our lives that we give our best effort to and try to steadily improve our performance.

The reality is that we are actually sailing against ourselves! They who make the fewest errors.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CYC Member After-Sail Party - Saturday June 19

Keelboaters, Crews & CYC members.

You are all invited at our CYC After-Race Party:
Come over and have a bite to eat and drink and meet people with the same interests.

4132 Colfax Ave south
Minneapolis, MN

Time: From 4:30 PM

We will have some birthday cake to share.
Kathy and Steve.

Results Keelboat Race Saturday June 12.

Dear CYC Keel boaters,


Last Saturday we had the pleasure to welcome the Catalina 27 with Brian and Alberto in to the Keel boat race and with gusts of 15 miles per hour they really raced to the start line where Rich, Rick with Judy as crew alreday cruised around.

Henk and Wenona with their Mac 26 where waiting for the red flag to come up. It was Rich who had a great start and took the lead with Rick and Brian in pursuit, 3 minutes for the race to start Henk decided to change his Genua for his Jib becouse of wind conditions costing dearly as he started at least 5 minutes late and trailed the fleet until the end.

During the race it rained and the winds where gusty with direction changes of more than 25 degrees but that was no reason for the keel boaters not to fight for the best finishing places.

Without handicap calculations Rich finished Nr1, Rich 2nd, Brian 3th and Henk closed the ranks 4th.

At 4:30 pm the After Sail Party started in Shannon’s garden where C-boaters, Keel boaters, wives and friends enjoyed her hospitality with great food and drinks. Come and have a look one day, It’s your party too.

We hope to see all the Keel boaters at the next race Saturday 19 at 11 am.

Have a great week.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

16 Years old and solo arround the World - With 60 knots winds knocked down

We spoke with Abby early this morning and learned that she had had a very rough day with winds up to 60 knots and seas 20-25 feet. She had been knocked down several times but was handling things well. The wind had subsided to around 35 knots which she and Wild Eyes are quite comfortable with.

We were helping her troubleshoot her engine that she was trying to start to charge her systems. Satellite phone reception was patchy. She was able to get the water out of the engine and start her up. We were waiting to hear back from her when American Search & Rescue authorities called to report having received a signal from her emergency beacon (EPIRB).

We initially thought that the signal was sent automatically from her water-activated EPIRB and that it had been activated during one of her knockdowns. As we pulled the paperwork from her EPIRB registration, we learned that the signal had come from her manually activated EPIRB.

Order your CYC burgee to fly on your boats

We are making available a new CYC burgee:

--All-weather stitched construction of heavy duty UV-resistant nylon material

--Binding wrapped and double-stitched, with brass grommets

--Good display size of 13” on binding edge, 22” to burgee tips

--Correct right-reading CYC logo letters both sides

--CYC logo lettering in “old-style” traditional letters adopted for CYC Centennial

--An image of the burgee is attached to this email

--Burgees will be available mid-July for use this summer

If you would like to order, please send a $45.00 check made payable to CYC, buy June 20, to:

Thomas Weigel
5184 Abercrombie Drive
Edina, MN 55439-1462


CYC Member After Race Party Next Saturday June 12

Keelboaters, crews & CYC members.
You are all invited at our CYC After-Race Party:

Fish Taco's, Beer and Wine make this After-Sail party quite divine.

Come over and have a bite to eat and drink and meet people with the same interests.

Saturday, June 12

Shannon Joyce’s home
5712 Morgan Ave South
Minneapolis  55419

Start: 6:00 PM

CYC 4th of July Party at Lake Calhoun

Hello Sweet Water Sailors, Keel boaters and CYC members.

For the seccond year Wenona and Henk will organize the 4th of July CYC party at Lake Calhoun in front of the boat house, and that afternoon we will be cruising the lake with your family and invited friends, lovers etc.

The BBQ will be fired up around 3 pm for a lunch and gathering with the opportunity to tell your sailor (fisher mans) racing stories to each other and to have a drink with a fantastic view over our Lake.

There will be music, food, if you bring any LOL, drinks, water and many more things.

The boats will be lined up at the dock ready and prepared to take off for the brilliant Fireworks show watched from the middle of the lake with music and singing songs and like last year the canoers and kayakers will sing the second voices. ………..If you play any instrument please take it with you so you can participate in the joy.

For the set-up we would love to have some volunteers at around 1pm, so if you want to help please let us know.

Don’t forget to set your agenda.

See you then.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CYC KeelBoaters tender and crash boat assignments 2010.

Dear Keel boaters,

As a member of the Calhoun Yacht Club and participating in the CYC Keelboat races on Saturday mornings we have the responsibility and assignment once or twice to Tender and safety crash boat duty during the season.

All active members, C-Boaters, Laser sailors and Keel boaters are helping out here to keep safety standards high on our lake during races and as well for transport before and after races to our boats this way we do not have to pay out of our CYC financial reserves for this to members of the Calhoun Sailing Club.

I placed a link here on our blog under "Important Information" where you can find the dates of your tender assignment during the 2010 sailing season. http://www.lakecalhoun.org/cyc/racing/schedule_judge.html

Please have a look at this and if you need to change a date please contact me.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brian and Alberto Launching their Catalina 27.

Dear Keelboaters,

After weeks of hard work and planning finally Brian and Alberto where able to lauch their Catalina 27 into Lake Calhoun and will be participating in the next CYC Keelboat races.

We all wish them luck and fair winds.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Follow Captain Bligh

Four men are attempting to sail an open boat the same course that Bligh took when set adrift from the Bounty

Friday, June 4, 2010

CYC Member ship payments season 2010

Dear Keelboaters.

If you want to sign up for the Calhoun Yacht Club or still have to pay your 2010 fees please contact me next Saturday before the race or give me a call at 612-310-0113 or send me an email at henkberkheij@gmail.com

See you all at the lake tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Keel Boat Race of the season last Saturday

Dear Keelboat sailors,

Last Saturday we sailed our first race of the year and thank you for all being there at the start line on time. It was a fantastic morning with sunshine, winds up to 15 knots with gusts even higher.

It was great to see us all preparing for the race and even Nabil was on time, hahaha, the start was confusing for some, like Henk, did found out the race already started after a minute or so, Brian, Nabil and Rick and family took off on a starboard tack and Rich sailed free of foul winds on a port reach out to the middle of the Lake with Henk and Wenona in pursuit, Alberto with Brian’s party boat stayed a little behind but came in line as well after a few minutes. After picking up some good winds Henk was able to round the first buoy in front of Rich and was able to make distance of the whole fleet and with his new sail the Macgregor took off with a non-disputed lead. The last minutes of the race Brian and Rich fought for the second and third place and even when Brian was able to overtake Rich it was him to beat them in the last yards.

The plan was to sail a second but shorter Olympic course but it was decided that there was too little time left as the C-Boater’s where supposed to race after us.

Discussions with the CYC board are underway for the Keel Boats to race two small Olympic courses, When the judge sees that one or more boats will take too much time to finish the first race they are entitled to let the skippers know the race stopped so we can all line up for the second race.

If there are any other idea’s please let me know.

See you all at the next race Saturday the 5th at 11 AM