Thursday, June 10, 2010

16 Years old and solo arround the World - With 60 knots winds knocked down

We spoke with Abby early this morning and learned that she had had a very rough day with winds up to 60 knots and seas 20-25 feet. She had been knocked down several times but was handling things well. The wind had subsided to around 35 knots which she and Wild Eyes are quite comfortable with.

We were helping her troubleshoot her engine that she was trying to start to charge her systems. Satellite phone reception was patchy. She was able to get the water out of the engine and start her up. We were waiting to hear back from her when American Search & Rescue authorities called to report having received a signal from her emergency beacon (EPIRB).

We initially thought that the signal was sent automatically from her water-activated EPIRB and that it had been activated during one of her knockdowns. As we pulled the paperwork from her EPIRB registration, we learned that the signal had come from her manually activated EPIRB.

Order your CYC burgee to fly on your boats

We are making available a new CYC burgee:

--All-weather stitched construction of heavy duty UV-resistant nylon material

--Binding wrapped and double-stitched, with brass grommets

--Good display size of 13” on binding edge, 22” to burgee tips

--Correct right-reading CYC logo letters both sides

--CYC logo lettering in “old-style” traditional letters adopted for CYC Centennial

--An image of the burgee is attached to this email

--Burgees will be available mid-July for use this summer

If you would like to order, please send a $45.00 check made payable to CYC, buy June 20, to:

Thomas Weigel
5184 Abercrombie Drive
Edina, MN 55439-1462


CYC Member After Race Party Next Saturday June 12

Keelboaters, crews & CYC members.
You are all invited at our CYC After-Race Party:

Fish Taco's, Beer and Wine make this After-Sail party quite divine.

Come over and have a bite to eat and drink and meet people with the same interests.

Saturday, June 12

Shannon Joyce’s home
5712 Morgan Ave South
Minneapolis  55419

Start: 6:00 PM

CYC 4th of July Party at Lake Calhoun

Hello Sweet Water Sailors, Keel boaters and CYC members.

For the seccond year Wenona and Henk will organize the 4th of July CYC party at Lake Calhoun in front of the boat house, and that afternoon we will be cruising the lake with your family and invited friends, lovers etc.

The BBQ will be fired up around 3 pm for a lunch and gathering with the opportunity to tell your sailor (fisher mans) racing stories to each other and to have a drink with a fantastic view over our Lake.

There will be music, food, if you bring any LOL, drinks, water and many more things.

The boats will be lined up at the dock ready and prepared to take off for the brilliant Fireworks show watched from the middle of the lake with music and singing songs and like last year the canoers and kayakers will sing the second voices. ………..If you play any instrument please take it with you so you can participate in the joy.

For the set-up we would love to have some volunteers at around 1pm, so if you want to help please let us know.

Don’t forget to set your agenda.

See you then.