Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wenona and Henk's return to Holland

Dear CYC members and Keelboat friends,

With pain in our hearts Wenona and I have decided to return to go back to the Netherlands by the end of September to join our families. The years living in Saint Louis Park was great and over time we had contact with lots of people at Lake Calhoun , the CYC members, the Keelboat Fleet, the Calhoun Sailing School and the Basic Keelboat Sailing students…..we will miss you all.

I hope that the efforts by the CYC regarding Keel Boat racing will continue and will keep the Fleet together for many years to come.

Unfortunately we can not take our MacGregor 26S with us so we will have to sell her before we leave as well as the North Star Basic Keelboat Sailing School who really took off this season. http://www,
Iif you know any interested people please let us know.

We are sure we will meet you all before we hit the trail back to Europe at the dock or when sailing our Lake Calhoun.


Wenona and Henk

CYC Keelboat Race cancelation August 21

There is no CYC Keelboat race on August 21st.

The lake will be overrun with kids, up to 50 or more boats.

There will be two race courses set up so I'm hopeful that the wind direction will be OK so the courses are separate.

There will be opportunities for driving a crash boat (spectating).

Others may certainly use the lake but dock space will be limited to nonexistent.