Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't forget about tomorrow 9am

 Please be there tomorrow morning 9am at the lake to help Larry

I know... I know..... I have easy talking beeing 3000 miles away

But would have loved to help out.

Have a great day.


Pictures by Will Winter - Lake Calhoun 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

CYC - Lake Calhoun photo of the week contest

Dear Calhoun Sailors.

Send a nice or funny CYC Lake Calhoun Photo and it will be placed at the top of the Blog for a week.

At the end of the season there will be a price for the best Photo.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Assembling the docks for the Sailing School on Saturday, April 30" 9AM

Dear Friends,

"Winter was brutal and spring isn't much better, so it's time to rouse yourself from self pity and do something that will make you (and me) feel really good.

What could that be........... you ask?

If you guessed "assemble the docks for the Sailing School on Saturday, April 30" then you have earned yourself free coffee and bagels at the boathouse.

This is the annual gala event that is not to be missed--red carpet and paparazzi for sure. So put it on your calendar today and gain the undying gratitude of your faithful servant, Larry.

P.S. The fun begins at 9 am and should be finished by noon; bagels and coffee for all."

Wish you could ion the fun.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A buoy needed for Nabil's Keelboat

We found a buoy for Nabil at the North Wall, it took 10 minutes and am 3000 miles away.
Thanks Larry.

Dear friends,

I hope you all have been lucky with the buoy drawing for the 2011 season.

We are looking to help out one of the Keelboat racers to still get a buoy at Lake Calhoun, as Nabil was in Phuket having a good time he totally forgot to get his buoy for the season.

If somebody can help here or knows somebody who has one but will not use it, please leave a comment on the blog or contact me at

Thanks and have a great season.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 Buoy drawing Lake Calhoun.. Did you pay.. ....deadline is tomorrow.

Sailboat Buoys Lake Calhoun.


The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board annually issues permits for 370 sailboat buoys on lakes Calhoun, Harriet and Nokomis.

Minneapolis Resident Non-Minneapolis Resident

Minneapolis resident: $450
Minneapolis non resident: $550

The public drawing will be held Tuesday, April 12, at Lynnhurst Recreation Center, 1345 Minnehaha Pkwy. W

 Lake Harriet - 6:30 p.m.

 Lake Calhoun - 7:30 p.m.

 Lake Nokomis - 8 p.m.

To be included in the April 12 drawing, all permit applications must be received by midnight on April 8, 2011. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for assignment after drawing assignments have been made.