Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Next Keelboat Race and BBQ

As the sailing season and being at the lake having racing and sailing fun is under way and summer start showing some warmer days we all are excited to continue, after the Aquatennial Sailing Races this weekend, with the 3rd Keelboat Race to be held Saturday August 1 with a starting time at 11am.

As a race takes only about 45 minutes depending the wind a few of us have the idée to do a second short race starting 20 minutes after the first one is finished. What do you think ......Please send me some feedback what you think of this idée.

There will be a C.YC. BBQ Saturday the 1st after the race to socialize and have some fun discussing after-sail stories, please bring your wife kids, lovers or any one close to you.

Ohh, by the way bring a salad and/or desert and something to drink.

Nabil and his brother Said