Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CYC KeelBoaters tender and crash boat assignments 2010.

Dear Keel boaters,

As a member of the Calhoun Yacht Club and participating in the CYC Keelboat races on Saturday mornings we have the responsibility and assignment once or twice to Tender and safety crash boat duty during the season.

All active members, C-Boaters, Laser sailors and Keel boaters are helping out here to keep safety standards high on our lake during races and as well for transport before and after races to our boats this way we do not have to pay out of our CYC financial reserves for this to members of the Calhoun Sailing Club.

I placed a link here on our blog under "Important Information" where you can find the dates of your tender assignment during the 2010 sailing season.

Please have a look at this and if you need to change a date please contact me.
