Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Lake Calhoun Keelboaters

With the rain and unusually warm weather it won't be long before the ice on Calhoun will bid a fond farewell and get sailors thinking about warm summer days on the lake.
We feel that the addition of the keel boaters was a great boost for the Calhoun Yacht Club and we thank you for your participation--we hope you had fun.

We were happy to see the number of boats that turned out for racing on Saturday mornings and we would love to see your ranks grow this summer.

We have scheduled three race series for keel boats that will run throughout the summer, each of which will include a traveling trophy. We've titled them the "Leadbelly," the “Partyboat,” and the “Calhoun Handicap” series. In addition, we plan to expand the number of social activities that will make you feel more attached to the club.

You are all invited to the CYC spring brunch on April 25 (more information to follow) where we will distribute the 2010 yearbook containing the 2010 race schedule. Hope to see you then!