Monday, August 3, 2009

Rescue of Brian's Boat

At 8 o’clock Saturday morning Henk received a call from Shannon that Brian’s boat was sinking. It took a few minutes to let it sink in, while he was waking up.Henk went to Calhoun to see what was going on. Shannon, Alberto and Henk rowed to the aspirating submarine and they pushed, rowed and pulled the boat as close to shore as they could.

Later when the other keelboat racers, (Rich, Roger, Larry, Marcos and Bill) arrived with Nabil and Zaid closing the group,we decided (unfortunately) to cancel the race due to too much wind with gusts over 20 knots. So we all helped Brian to get his boat floating again.

Bill and Rich took the motor boat to straighten up some capsized C-Boats and Linda’s 420.
Later that morning when the wind dropped, most of us went sailing and had a great time.

See you at the start of the next Race 8/15