Monday, January 25, 2010

US Sailing Basic Race Management Seminar April 24

By definition a “once in a lifetime opportunity” only comes once……………..

It is a pleasant surprise that US Sailing has agreed to hold a one-day Basic Race Management Seminar at Okoboji on Saturday, April 24th. Until now it has been necessary to travel to Chicago or Milwaukee to take this seminar.

The purpose of this seminar is to teach a greater depth of race management techniques and to certify US Sailing Race Officers. This seminar is not about the Part 2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing regarding the right-of-way rules. This seminar would be of primary interest to those on the race committee. We would hope to have people interested in race management from other lakes in Iowa, Minnesota, and surrounding states.

I took several US Sailing Basic and Advanced Race Management Seminars in the 2000 to 2003 time frame when I qualified to be certified as a US Sailing Club Race Officer. My first certification was issued in 2002 for a four year term. I renewed it in 2006 with my latest certification expiring on December 31, 2009. I now need to take a US Sailing Race Management seminar in order to renew my certification as a Club Race Officer. The need for me to take a race management seminar is what started this conversation about bringing the seminar to Okoboji.

The instructor will be John Strassman from Milwaukee who is certified by US Sailing to teach this seminar, is a National Race Officer, and a member of the US Sailing Race Management Committee.

I would like to see more Okoboji people become certified as a US Sailing Club Race Officers. Bob Evans was certified Club Race Officer at one time. In order to be certified as a Club Race Officer you need to attend this seminar, pass the test, have a rule book, and run four races (Okoboji YC races qualify).

Don’t be intimidated that US Sailing race management procedures might seem difficult. The Okoboji Yacht Club and the Inland Lakes Yachting Association (ILYA) follow US Sailing procedures in running our club races and regattas. You will also be pleased to learn that almost all sailboat racing in the United States follow US Sailing rules and procedures. Your experience and learning are transferable to other sailing venues and around the world.

In my opinion, if you have participated in OYC race management, review the study questions before the seminar, and pay attention in the seminar you have a good chance of passing the test. Sailors will benefit by attending, because the more they know about how races are organized and as a result they will become more competitive.

Even if you do not plan to become certified, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about race management and have fun talking about sailing.

More information about US Sailing race management and the Race Officer certification program can be found at this website

Please let me know if you are interested in attending this seminar. It will be a full day seminar on Saturday, April 24th at the Okoboji Yacht Club. There will be a nominal cost to cover lunch, instructor travel, materials, etc.

Phil Petersen
Head Judge
Okoboji Yacht Club

If you are interested to attend please contact Henk: 612-310-0113